Since graduating from Newport Film School after studying Documentary Film and Television I am taking my initial steps into film and TV production. I have skills and experience filming adventure and travel but have a keen interest in environmental and current affairs. I currently work for Indus Films, makers of the BBC programmes 'Tribe', 'Amazon' and 'Arctic'.
I also have experience in features locations after working on Steven Spielberg's 'War Horse' and 'Wrath of the Titans' Starring Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson.
Please have a look through my blog and my films and don't hesitate to get in touch.

Monday 8 October 2012

More Nomination News!!!

To add to the great news about 'Ben' at the Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival, I also heard that 'The Prisoner List' has been accepted for screening at the National Film Schools Festival as part of the Minsk Film Festival. We're going international and all the way to snowy Russia...a long way from the heat of the Burmese Jungle!! Newport received several nominations at the festival which is fantastic although unfortunately they could only provide tickets for 2 directors which means that Danny I will not be able to travel to Minsk but it will be an incredible trip for Ezra Byrne and Ashling McKenna. It is such a huge surprise and honour to be nominated and very exciting to get international recognition.

Ben Receives a Nomination at the Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival

Great news last week that 'Ben' has made it through judges selection to be screened at the Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival at the end of this month. I was contacted by the festival organiser who had seen 'Ben' at Kendal last year and wanted me to enter it in at Edinburgh. It is always a great honour to be invited to a festival and even more so to be accepted and screened. I will just have to save some pennies now to make it up there for a great weekend of mountain films and Edinburgh city life.

Thursday 23 August 2012

New Adventures

I am currently working on a new series with Indus telling the story of Shepherding from it's traditional roots in the Middle East to the global industry it has now become. Here are a few snaps of the far flung and beautiful places we will be travelling too.

Monday 20 February 2012

'Ben' Wins Judges Choice Award at the Fort William Mountain Festival

Ben has been awarded the judges choice award at this years mountain festival in snowy Fort William which took place over the past weekend. Out of all the festivals that we entered 'Ben'into this season, this one was really special as it is its home turf and for it to be recognised and liked by the people who inspired it is a real honour. Prize came in the form of a £50 voucher for Nevis Sport. Not sure what to splurge on yet but whatever it is will be a nice reminder!

'Ben' awarded a third place for Welsh Royal Television Awards

After going along to the Ffresh awards to support fellow Newport DFT students, was really surprised and over the moon to come away with a nomination and third place award for Best Undergraduate Documentary for this years Welsh Royal Television Awards.
Huge congrats to my good friend Paris Palmer whose film 'Mourning of the Valley' won the Welsh Royal Television Student award for Best Undergraduate Factual Entertainment.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Sheffield Adventure Film Festival

Received an email from Sheffield Adventure Film Festival yesterday asking us to enter 'Ben' into their 2012 competition. I can only assume that they heard about the film and got my details from Kendal which is amazing. It is a real honour to be asked and even though it probably won't get through preselection it is really gratifying to know that the film is being talk about. Kendal this weekend and I'm looking forward to a few days of mountains film indulgence!!!

Friday 14 October 2011

Nomination at Kendal Mountain Film Festival

Great news. 'Ben' has just been nominated under the 'Best Mountain Culture Award' at this years Kendal Mountain Film Festival. Kendal is a huge deal on the adventure/mountain film circuit and so this is a huge honour.